Thursday, September 3, 2009


Hmmm... banyak benda buzzing around me lately. Arini lagi banyak yang membuatkan aku tak sedap ati...

1. My carrier - acting bos aku sekarang tak best. Sangat ego and giler pangkat. It's hurt me a lot. N menyusahkan gak.... nak nama, kerja takmo. Really stress... Aku akan resign tak lama lagi...Huhu...

2. My ex - Yeah...dia tak try to contact me and it's great. Tapi he keep pop up in front of my family members. And I really hated to know about him. The latest he meet my brother in Bazaar Ramadan somewhere at Section 7. Bukak kedai jual kuih raya... n he's not married yet. So what? He has new gf kat Shah Alam...and he's staying here for her. I dont want to know any demn of him. I stress my words to my family. They know what he's done to me and they still like him. Yucks...disgusting...who cares about him. But when I heard about him, rase macam dulu lagi. Kira cam hati tak sedap. Normal ek? I love my husband alots but knowing about him very annoying...Macam nak berdiri depan dia n tunjuk that i can live better without him. Benci tau!

3. My thyriod - Yang ni pun satu. It's getting worst and I need to take more pils to recover which is I dont know when. My baby still small and I'm praying that he/she will be alright and healthy....pls God!